EXPLORE ALIEN LANDSCAPES and find the Energy Source on the Abandoned Planet.

SURVIVE with the little resources  you have balancing Energy and Morale to get to the end.

Tips for reaching the end

  • Sleep using the sleeping bag when morale is low
  • You can drop items
  • Don't give up


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love the vibe! This bg music plus art style somehow just hits me <3


love the dithering shader! overall a very cool vibe, I wish there was a more immediate way of knowing how much I've progressed so I could manage my stamina and hunger better. great work though!

Thanks for the comment! Do you have any feedback on the ending? I’m looking for what I should focus on for an update. :)


honestly I would suggest focusing on providing more immediate feedback on the progress :) I think the payoff is better when I know what the stakes are as a player